Level 4

Ages 4-5
From the moment you became a parent, you wanted the best for your child. In class, we engage your child in music and movement activities that also promote language, social and emotional skills, early math and early literacy, physical coordination, creativity, and more. Plus, your child will learn basic music vocabulary and notation--all setting the stage for future school success and formal music lessons. Parents join the fun for the final class activities. The Kindermusik Home digital home materials extend the benefits all week long with music from class, activities for the whole family, and each month's story.

Kindermusik@Home delivers your favorite Kindermusik songs and activities, instrumental music, books, and lyrics--as well as recipes, learning games, crafts, and more in a green-friendly digital format. With each new monthly unit, you receive a treasure trove of developmentally appropriate activities that will give children a lifelong love of music and a strong early foundation for learning. And with each activity, parents learn how and why that activity enhances a child's learning and development. Kindermusik@Home is available through tablet, mobile, and PC devices--ready to use wherever your family wanders. It's Kindermusik for you!