Kindermusik studio classes are $95 a month for Foundations-Level 2, $105 a month for Levels 3-4, $115 a month for Kindermusik Musicians.
A registration fee of $30 per family is required.
The monthly payment will be pro-rated if a student is enrolled after the first of the month.
Jonesboro Music offers a monthly payment subscription enrollment for all studio classes year round. Payments will be deducted from a debit/credit card on the 1st of each month. A student who is enrolled will remain enrolled until a parent informs us otherwise. We require written notice to Dana McKinney, Director, before the 1st of the month if changes need to be made with your child's enrollment. All registration fees are NON-REFUNDABLE. There are also no refunds for missed classes. We offer free make up classes for currently enrolled students.